The last month has been... testing a lot of people. The markets are shaky, one of the biggest networks in volume and marketcap crashed in what seemed like no time, and market volume overall has gone down. However, regardless of what happens with the market, the WAX ecosystem continue to drop new content, releases, projects and games. There is something new happening all the time, and it continues to be near impossible to follow it all. This is highly exciting!
The entire team of sw/eden are big gamers, we love a big variety of games, so we are excited to see more and more exciting games hitting the NFT and crypto ecosystem, where WAX has a bunch of exciting projects. For this reason, we hosted the first, and the biggest community focused e-sport event on WAX. We hosted a Tournament in The Forge Arena, with the goals to make it fun for everyone, regardless of player experience and level. It quickly filled up with contestants and sponsors. We had fun, we learnt a lot, and we have new found respect for teams organizing tournaments, it's a lot of work!
A big portion of our time has been directed towards figuring out why there has been occurrences of missing transactions, and this has hopefully been resolved thanks to many of the guilds working hard and the mandel team adding quick fixes to the eosio code base.
Our EOSIO Healthcheck for HAProxy
On top of that, we published a short general guide on the basics of automating blockchain actions on WAX. For this tutorial we described how you automagically can claim vote rewards. You can find this article on the Anyobservation Academy.
Infrastructure update
Over the last months a lot of our time has been directed towards maintenance and figuring out and solving issues. Something that is required to always work on, and at most times rather fun. On top of that, we have had time to create more educational and entertaining content to educate and engage the community.